November something, 2007:
So here I am, listening to a tape cassette of Radiohead. Did I say tape cassette? Yes. Yes, I did indeed.
so so far, we've given the kitties a bath,
as many of you may be aware, I have lost my cellphone, boohoo... what good times we had, me and my Samsung D600... well I used this phone for a while:
and then the charger BROKE.. . . don't you think they should be able to withstand being pulled out of the outlet maybe at least ONCE???????
oh lordy...
so a week or so ago I discovered that the laundry card-refill machine didn't work, (it's a debit machine basically) so I was left to hand-wash anything I wanted to wear. yaaay clothes the old fashioned labour drip-dry-wait-for-eight-hours-to-get-clean-clothes-that-aren't-softened-by-bouce way!!!! this sounds pessimistic, but really, tide smells good!
I hear the laundry machines are working again. but, lo and behold, where the @#$% is my debit card?? I look and search and comb the place. My conclusion is that I lost it on the way back home when I had it in my pants pocket on October 29th.... so I go get it replaced.
and. . . TADAAAA my old card suddenly appears out of nowhere...actually, I found it in the zip pocket of my vest....which is where I left it when I wanted to go do laundry and re-fill the card.
so yes
on the bright side, a few weeks ago, we made cheesecake! yum yum :)
Also, Andy came to visit this past weekend. I kind of left them (Iris + Andy) for the weekend because I was scrambling to finish a paper. We went out to Reubens! and I had a turkey cheese melt..mmmm...I'm sure she can relate the rest of the weekend to you, I spent the days mostly at home or at the library.
that's pretty much it
now if only I could find my laundry card. . . . .
P.s. and now by popular demand instead of a stick man you know what peter looks like! well actually, he said he'd rather have a picture for all to see than be represented by a stickman. peter: "why is my head so grossly out of proportion!?!?"

end of November post.
and now it's December!!!
we're still finding someone to take care of our (cute, adorable, docile, domestic, caring, lovely) kittens. (can you tell I'm not trying to sell the cats to you at all!?) and they can't give you the rabies cause we just got them vaccinated!!! you can....because the rabies vaccine isn't needed for indoor cats...but that means, you actually have to be infected with the rabies before you can transmit it to them so that you can catch it from them. so yea, you can't.
more to come...later or sooner, or later
by the way, I had a weird dream last night about goblins, a locker room, a giant and Allen. SO RANDOM.